I strongly urge the community of subscribers to this web platform to read attentively this transcript because in the ample time that was given to me by host Nima Alkhorshid I had the opportunity to go well beyond anything I have said in my recent essays about the skeletons that the Russians have taken from their closets to show the massive participation of ordinary Europeans from France, from Belgium, from elsewhere in the armies that Hitler directed against the USSR, as well as the key role that Finns played in enforcing the murderous, genocidal Blockade of Leningrad.
Wow! Even by your high standards, Dr. Doctorow, this is a keeper! I am looking forward to the publication of your book.
Just as a side comment -- why the difference in President Trump's approach to the Ukraine and to Iran? One possible explanation is that the situation in the Ukraine is highly profitable for the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex and for all the well-connected people who are getting their 10%. This makes the Ukraine a much more heavily-discussed topic in the political realm than Iran, where the discussions can be off-stage.
It is also worth noting that some of President Trump's apparently outrageous comments on Russia and the Ukraine were off-the-cuff responses to attempted "Gotcha!" questions from Far Left media personnel. Sadly, President Trump has not (yet?) learned to say "That was a really dumb question! You should be ashamed of yourself." to those kinds of media opponents.
Wow! Even by your high standards, Dr. Doctorow, this is a keeper! I am looking forward to the publication of your book.
Just as a side comment -- why the difference in President Trump's approach to the Ukraine and to Iran? One possible explanation is that the situation in the Ukraine is highly profitable for the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex and for all the well-connected people who are getting their 10%. This makes the Ukraine a much more heavily-discussed topic in the political realm than Iran, where the discussions can be off-stage.
It is also worth noting that some of President Trump's apparently outrageous comments on Russia and the Ukraine were off-the-cuff responses to attempted "Gotcha!" questions from Far Left media personnel. Sadly, President Trump has not (yet?) learned to say "That was a really dumb question! You should be ashamed of yourself." to those kinds of media opponents.