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Wow! Even by your high standards, Dr. Doctorow, this is a keeper! I am looking forward to the publication of your book.

Just as a side comment -- why the difference in President Trump's approach to the Ukraine and to Iran? One possible explanation is that the situation in the Ukraine is highly profitable for the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex and for all the well-connected people who are getting their 10%. This makes the Ukraine a much more heavily-discussed topic in the political realm than Iran, where the discussions can be off-stage.

It is also worth noting that some of President Trump's apparently outrageous comments on Russia and the Ukraine were off-the-cuff responses to attempted "Gotcha!" questions from Far Left media personnel. Sadly, President Trump has not (yet?) learned to say "That was a really dumb question! You should be ashamed of yourself." to those kinds of media opponents.

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