I watched the entire show and didn't get much useful from it. Mercouris is a windbag and terrible moderator. Helmer was overly aggressive and dismissive of your work and POV.

But you have a naturally slow, hesitant speaking style not ideal for debating and a very bad microphone so I could barely hear you. I'm a big fan of your work but PLEASE get a better mike and come closer to it so we can hear you. Basic technique is to fill the screen so your head is just below the top of the frame, mouth 4 inches from the mike..

As for the content, I blame Mercouris for letting the show wander all over leaving me more confused than when it started. Stick with Napolitano and Nima is my advice. But I'd honestly like a riposte from you re Helmers ideas, not just his obnoxious style.

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John Helmer was thoughtful and persuasive - I don’t see at all why you found him insulting.

Thank you for your work.

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