Yes, yes...clarity of thought, hitting it on the dot every time - it must be nice to be perfect, I'm not quite there yet myself, but what I most admire about Gilbert Doctorow, Larry Johnson and moi is that we don't smile. I mean, so Mearsheimer is "Head of The Realist School" then why the heck does he always wear a big politician's smile - and Ray McGovern too. How about a sense of gravitas, fellas? It even makes 'em seem a bit stupid. And shout out to Ray, hey bro don't you think you should consider maybe goin' to speech school. Do you have a speech impediment or is it an affectation? Distracts from message...and wipe that damb grin pasted on your face. Annoying. AND...Please! Stick with the standard pronunciation of Putin. It's PYOO-tin or POO-tin...NOT pyoo-teeeeeeng. Again, it's the annoying distraction thing
Yes, yes...clarity of thought, hitting it on the dot every time - it must be nice to be perfect, I'm not quite there yet myself, but what I most admire about Gilbert Doctorow, Larry Johnson and moi is that we don't smile. I mean, so Mearsheimer is "Head of The Realist School" then why the heck does he always wear a big politician's smile - and Ray McGovern too. How about a sense of gravitas, fellas? It even makes 'em seem a bit stupid. And shout out to Ray, hey bro don't you think you should consider maybe goin' to speech school. Do you have a speech impediment or is it an affectation? Distracts from message...and wipe that damb grin pasted on your face. Annoying. AND...Please! Stick with the standard pronunciation of Putin. It's PYOO-tin or POO-tin...NOT pyoo-teeeeeeng. Again, it's the annoying distraction thing
Right on the dot, Dave. You already ARE perfect!!!
He sure is!!!
Your interviewer’s closing comments were both complimentary and correct. Incisive, thoughtful, and hit the dot.