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PressTV: 0:21
Hello and welcome to Spotlight. The Israeli regime continues to carry out attacks on different parts of Syria after Israelis seized and occupied even more land in the Arab country. On Friday protests against Israel's occupation in Daraa turned violent after the regime's troops opened fire on Syrian demonstrators. Meanwhile the US has confirmed that it has doubled the number of its troops in Syria in recent weeks. The move raises questions about the US's illegal oil extraction practices and the true motives behind America's sustained military engagement in Syria.
PressTV (Ebrahimi Hamidi): 0:56
The United States has confirmed that it has doubled its military forces in Syria. A Pentagon spokesperson announced the news, saying the additional US forces have been in Syria since before the fall of former President Bashar Assad.
Pentagon (Ryder):
I learned today that in fact there are approximately 2,000 US troops in Syria. As I understand it, and as it was explained to me, these additional forces are considered temporary rotational forces that deploy to meet shifting mission requirements, whereas the core 900 deployers [sic] are on longer-term deployments.
Hamidi: 1:34
This significant increase comes as tensions in the Arab country continue to rise with the occupation of more of Syrian lands by the Israeli regime and the renewed fighting between militants and Kurdish forces in the country's northeast. But why are the US forces present in Syria at all? The US began sending troops to Syria in 2015, with the excuse of combating terrorism and Daesh. However, Washington has mainly deployed these forces in the oil fields in the Arab country. The stated excuse is to protect these resources from falling into the hands of terrorists. Despite the territorial defeat of Daesh in 2017, American forces have remained in Syria. According to a report by The Cradle, Washington is stealing over 80 percent of Syria's oil output each day.
The Syrian oil ministry released a statement back in 2022 accusing US forces occupying Syria of being responsible for the theft of most of the country's oil. US President Donald Trump has even confessed that Washington is stealing Syria's oil.
Trump: 2:42
And then they say, "He left troops in Syria." You know what I did? I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil. They're protecting the oil.
With the recent doubling of American troops in Syria, a pressing question now lingers. Is Washington planning to hold onto Syria's oil and continue its extraction?
There's also the matter of anti-US sentiment in Syria, which has been on the rise due to the prolonged military presence of American troops in the country. Many Syrians believe that the US's continued involvement may worsen the already complicated situation in the Arab country, as it was the case in 2014 when the US first began attacking Syria amid opposition from the government in Damascus.
PressTV: 3:29
Joining us on tonight's "Spotlight", we have independent international affairs analyst Gilbert Doctorow, joining us from Brussels. And we also have journalist, activist and political analyst, John Bosnitch, joining us from Fredericton, Canada.
Well gentlemen, welcome to the program. Let's start off with Mr. Doctorow in Brussels. Israel is expanding its occupation in Syria, obviously seizing more strategic areas. The regime is also continuing with its massive air strikes all over Syria. According to various accounts, there have been around 800 attacks so far. We also know that the Israeli forces are set for a long presence in Syria. These are very alarming developments, because we know Israel is not in the habit of giving back land that it illegally seizes.
Gilbert Doctorow, PhD: 4:28
Yes, of course this is very troubling. And it's a continuation of the wars of aggression and the genocide Israel has practiced in Gaza, that it expanded into Lebanon, and now it is moving into Syria. I noted that you have carried in your news during the day, reports of demonstrations against the Israeli presence, against the occupiers in the Daraa province in the south of Syria. That's very interesting for me because I understand Daraa has a long history of political activism and was one of the cradles of the opposition to the regime in Damascus, to the Assad regime in 2011, touching off the civil war that lasted until 2017.
Daraa is not mentioned anywhere in Western media, neither in the print or the electronic media. And so you're doing a very valuable service, Press TV, in bringing this to world attention. I have to say, overall, the events like what we're seeing presently in Israeli aggression, have compelled me to change my thinking about collective responsibility. As a young man, I found this notion repugnant. It has come up again in American political life in "woke", where people today are being held responsible for the sins of the grandfathers and great-grandfathers.
That type of collective responsibility I reject to this day. However, the responsibility of the broad nation in the United States for all of the atrocities that Israel is committing in its region, and now as you are explaining, in Syria, are all enabled by American military supplies. If you take out the American factor in the equation, Israel could never do what it's doing today.
Doctorow: 6:38
It could never defy international law and the morality that one expects in a community of nations. So sadly, the majority of Americans who are acquiescent in, who are silent about what their government is doing in supplying Israel the means to carry out these horrible deeds, that responsibility cannot be put aside. It belongs to the American nation today.
And that is a very sad fact.
PressTV: 7:14
John Bosnich, dozens of countries and a number of UN experts have said the strikes on Syria following the ouster of the country's government in the Arab country is a violation of international law and a violation of Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity, let alone the 1974 agreement on disengagement. But we know international institutions like the UN, they weren't able to stop the Israelis from murdering women and children for over a year in Gaza. And they most likely won't and can't do anything as the regime exploits Syria and runs wild there.
John Bosnitch: 7:50
Well, I think that's because those institutions have been kidnapped. Effectively, the so-called world institutions, international institutions, have been taken over by the Anglo-American Zionist war empire. And it's very difficult to spot the head, which is active on this three-headed hydra at the moment of an offense. Is it the US government? Is it their English trainers and English advisors? Or is it the Zionist war machine that's on the ground?
And so they continuously move the pea under the cup and say, "It's not me, it's them." And at the same time each of the cups is operated by the same hand, the shyster who is ripping off the public, who is watching and trying to guess where the pea is. The Israel lobby pulls the strings on the US government. The US government follows their indoctrination by their English-schooling chums, from their Rhodes scholarships who taught them how to run the empire.
The empire runs on donations and support from the Israeli lobby, which works with the banksters. It is a net sum-zero opportunity for the rest of the world, and it's a 100 percent stealing and theft organization. When Trump says-- and I personally am a supporter of Trump-- but when Trump says that he is protecting the oil of Syria, that's like a bank robber telling the bank manager, "We're going to protect the money in the safe. Just give it to us. We'll protect it."
PressTV: 9:30
Right. And Mr. Doctorow, you mentioned the United States just a moment ago. The US has announced a significant increase in its military presence in Syria, doubling the number of troops deployed there. Why are US forces present in Syria at all?
Well, as you have already pointed out, and as you've quoted Mr. Trump, of course they are supervising the theft of Syrian oil, hydrocarbons. This has, to my knowledge, for some time this was being fed into Turkey, and from Turkey, obviously, it was being resold to Israel. So it comes full circle. It is, again, another manifestation of the American government enabling Israel to commit atrocities, including theft of the resources of its neighbor. The move of Israel to take over the buffer zone and to extend its control over Golan Heights up to Mount Hermon also is anticipation of theft of water resources and deprivation of essential supplies to the Syrian population.
This is all unconscionable. And as I say, it is time for Americans to express their indignation if they have any conscience, and I think they do, and say that this is unacceptable behavior of their government.
PressTV: 10:54
Right. And Mr. Bosnitch, you were just talking about Donald Trump. He did confess that Washington in a slip was quote-unquote taking Syria's oil. With the doubling of American troops in Syria, is Washington, just planning to hold on to that oil and continue with its extraction? I think "extraction" would not be the correct word; it's exploitation.
Bosnitch: 11:21
Well, it's worse than that. It's expropriation, illegal expropriation of the national assets of the Syrian people in violation of international law, in violation of Syrian law, and in violation of international law on the state-to-state level. So everything is being violated here, and very few people are speaking out about it in America, because the lying mainstream media of America is owned by the military-industrial complex, which works for the Israel lobby.
So what you've got is the lying mainstream media is not there to only propagate a pro-war, pro-empire message. It is also there to operate as a prophylactic stopping the American people from having contact with fair and truthful information. The American people are not listening to PressTV. They are listening to lying CNN. They are listening to lying MSNBC and lying ABC [who] tell them lies that keep them from becoming active and fighting what's going on. That's how the system works.
PressTV: 12:32
Right. And Mr. Doctorow, there's clear hypocrisy and double standard regarding the term "terrorist", specifically from the US and some of its key Western allies as to who is categorized as a terrorist and how they should be dealt with. If you can unpack that for us please, in the context of Syria, because we know that the Israeli regime, they supported militant groups, terrorist groups for years in Syria working behind the scenes to destabilize Bashar Assad's government in Damascus. And let's not forget Operation Timber Sycamore, which was planned and funded by the Obama administration, devised for the overthrow of the Assad government.
Doctorow: 13:17
Terms like "terrorist", terms like "authoritarian", "dictatorial", "autocratic", all of these terms are in the vocabulary of American public policy, foreign policy, And they serve only as justification to those who are lazy, who don't want to understand the news, and who want to accept the good faith of their government when it is lying, cheating, and stealing all the time.
And so I don't take with particular concern the application by the United States government of "terrorist" to one or another organization. That is variable to the moments when a given state, the given organization does or does not kneel before the United States and accept the dictate of Washington to do its bidding.
Whoever they are, if they are perceived to be doing Washington's bidding, they are clean as the driven snow. If they refuse to do so, then they become terrorists or they are autocrats or whatever else you want to use at the moment to denigrate them and to drive them from civilized society. The problem is that Washington uses these terms to justify its policy of exclusion, its policy of sanctions, its policy of driving countries into such isolation that they can be called pariahs.
That, unfortunately, is the basic motif of American foreign policy for more than a decade. And I contrast that with what Russia is doing, for example, in Afghanistan or other states which the United States has designated as pariahs and [has] excluded from civilized society, all to the detriment of the peoples in those countries and to peace in the region.
An extension of a hand of cooperation is the best possible way of moderating countries and making them constructive members of the world community. Unfortunately, that vision is outside the understanding of America's foreign policy makers.
PressTV: 15:24
John Bosnitch, how come the current militant commanders in Syria, who claim they want to rebuild the country, aren't opposing the destruction and occupation of Syria by the Israelis? Should they be primarily concerned with preserving their country's borders?
Bosnitch: 15:41
Well, I'm not going to try and set moral and political or geopolitical objectives for these groups, because we know that these groups have been financed via Israel, armed via Israel and we have this same... actually, it looks like an insane scenario in which designated US terrorist organizations, in other words the United States government the State Department of the United States, has designated the organizations that have taken power in Syria as terrorist organizations because they previously engaged in terrorist attacks on the United States.
They have not yet recategorized them as allies, now that they are prepared to directly exercise state power in Syria. So there's going to be a transitional phase when everybody's supposed to put their hands over their eyes and pretend they see nothing, know nothing, and remember nothing. And that's what America is counting on.
And that's why it's so important for people who know what's going on to say, these are the people who are accused in the United States of being the terrorists who attacked the Twin Towers. These are the actual descendants of al-Qaeda, of ISIS, and of Daesh, the organization set up by Israel and the United States via the CIA to take this region into war, to depose governments all around Israel, and effectively create a new state which would be best known as Greater Israel.
PressTV: 17:17
Gilbert Doctorow, speaking about developments in Syria a few days ago, the leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei [], said that the US Senate's allies are quote-unquote completely wrong to presume that the resistance has ended. Do you see it in that light as well?
Well, it is much too early to draw conclusions about where Syria is going. As I have been saying, he laughs best who laughs last. And there was a lot of laughter in London, in Washington, in Brussels over the overthrow of al-Assad. Very premature. As regards the organization presently controlling Damascus, it is unclear whether its leader who has spoken out-- in interviews on the BBC this morning which show him to be a very civilized and sophisticated man-- it's unclear whether he can maintain the moderate policies that he is telling before the microphones of Western reporters, upon his followers. That is not clear.
And again, the very big ethnic and religious divides in Syria make it impossible to forecast what will happen next. Will they find some reconciliation? Will they find some path to a new constitution, which has been set as a task for the next several months? Or will they collapse into a new civil war and new fighting as has happened in Libya? So I agree with the notion that Syria has potential, but the present is no indication of the near future.
PressTV: 19:13
Mr. Bosnitch, on that note, many Syrians believe that the US's continued presence may worsen the already complicated situation there. Are Syrians right to be concerned about that? Because that was the case when we look back in 2014 when the US increased its involvement and also began attacking Syria.
Well, now what we're doing here is Iraq War III, effectively. The United States has through its puppet organizations and terror organizations, I call them terror agents. They're not terrorists. They are terror agents paid and armed by the United States and its allies, England and Israel to create a terror situation, which they then themselves offer a solution to. So they create the crisis, they manage the crisis, they use it to remove a government that they disapprove of, and then they solve the crisis. It is in effect a tempest created in Washington and in Tel Aviv to create war for profit. And the blood with which this bill is being paid is so far Syrian blood.
But if the American forces stay there, it will soon once again be American blood being shed as it was in Iraq and as it was in Afghanistan, because the people will not accept colonization by enemy states through a veneer of fake organizations.
Gilbert Doctorow, John Bosnitch called it Iraq War III. I would even call it Iraq War 4.0. What kind of repercussions do you think could there be for stability in the broader West Asia region? How will this impact other surrounding countries if the crisis in Syria does actually take a turn for the worse?
Doctorow: 21:12
Again, these are imponderables. The lack of stability in Syria has been promoted for more than 20 years by Israel. The principle of provoking chaos has been a guiding principle of American policy for more than 20 years. The fishing in muddy waters is a basic mechanism of American foreign policy in the region. So if Syria moves from stability to total chaos, it would suit very well Israel and Israel's backers in the United States.
The situation in Libya, unfortunately, is a scenario that is recent, that is relevant to the situation in Syria. And we have to consider that as a worst-case scenario. But there always are ways out. There always are forces that are constructive that come in at an opportune moment to save the situation. Right now, the situation in Libya may well become more governable if, as would seem to be the case by early straws in the wind, Russia takes a greater presence in Libya.
As I said, there are so many things in action across the region that it's rather difficult to speak with any confidence about outcomes. We can speak about influences, we can speak about the American and Israeli interest in chaos for their own purposes. But whether they will succeed or whether forces that are national, unifying, will prevail, too early to say.
PressTV: 23:12
John Bosnitch, one last question before we wrap up the show. How has the silence of some Islamic nations and some Arab regimes emboldened Israel to press ahead with its illegal activities that we're seeing right now in Syria?
Bosnitch: 23:29
Well, I'd like to say that very, very few of these events that are taking place are not predictable. Israel made sure, and America made sure in advance, that there would be silence from other Arab countries. They are trying to isolate Iran from other Muslim countries in the region, and they are trying to basically neuter and turn all Arab countries in the region into eunuchs: that they do what they're told, take their share of the money (and it'll be a smaller and smaller share as Israel's share increases), and stay out of the way.
I don't think that the people of Syria can stay out of the way of their own lives. I don't think Iran can stay out of the way of Israel's growing military power. And I don't think that the rest of the world can stay out of the way of what could be a growing conflict.
PressTV: 24:22
All right, thanks a lot gentlemen. Independent international affairs analyst Gilbert Doctorow, joining us from Brussels; and thanks to Journalist, activist and political analyst John Bosnitch, joining us from Fredericton, Canada. And a special thanks to you, our viewers, for staying with us on tonight's edition of Spotlight.
It's good night for now, and see you next time.
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