I hope that readers of these pages will find yesterday evening’s ‘Spotlight’ discussion program of Press TV to be as thought provoking as I did in my capacity as participant. My debating partner, journalist John Bosnitch in Canada, was well prepared with an analysis of current developments in Syria under stage management from the United States and Israel. I used the occasion to set out my epiphany moment as regards collective responsibility of peoples, in this case, the American people, for the obscene support of their government to Israel in its genocidal and colonial expansionist policies that are wrecking the West Asian region. All of this leaves us with the unposed, unanswered question always on the mind of Russia specialists: What is to be done?
See http://www.urmedium.net/c/presstv/132041
Dr. Doctorow, I cannot open this interview. It's not a link that can be clicked open.